Dear Bethel Campus Community,
With the BRHS lot s&ll under construc&on, there will be less parking available for parents,
students, and teachers. Addi&onally, there will be increased traffic during student drop off and
pick up from August 14, 2024 to August 30, 2024.
For the next two weeks, we would like to encourage staff and students to carpool, ride a bike,
and/or walk to help avoid traffic conges&on. We also encourage students to ride the school bus
whenever possible.
The map below outlines the temporary drop off/pick up route that will help traffic flow during
this &me.
For those who can’t carpool, ride a bike, walk or ride the bus, please follow these guidelines
when picking up or dropping off students.
° Please allow buses priority to pass and drop off/ pick up students
° Allow traffic to exit the school property onto Ridgecrest Dr. to keep the drop off lines
° Have students prepared to exit your vehicle quickly at drop off
° Drive safely looking out for students and staff that may be walking to school and work
° Look for staff, signs, and/or traffic cones direc&ng traffic through the campus