The LKSD District JR high speech contest was held in Bethel December 12-13, 2022. There were 31 students from 5 schools (Akiuk, Akula, Ayaprun Elitnaurvik, Kwigillingok, and Quinhagak).
The students competed in Yupik and/or English speech categories. For the first time, we had more Yugtun rooms than English!!!
Thank you to all the coaches, chaperones, district office staff and community members that helped out as speech judges. Without your help, we would not be able to host a
successful event.
to all the students that participated in this event.
English Dramatic Interpretation
1. Christine Sam-Quinhagak
2. Daevette Nicori-Quinhagak
3. Timika Kelly-Quinhagak
Yupik Dramatic Interpretation
1. Preston Andrew-Akula
English Humorous Interpretation
1. Jonathan Schneidler-Akiuk
2. Marcus Atti-Kwigillingok
3. Kiley Amik-Kwigillingok
Yupik Humorous Interpretation
1. Ashley Waska-Akiuk
2. Jonathan Schneidler-Akiuk
3. Amy Kalila-Akiuk
Yupik Expository
1. Ayagina’ar Kade Latham-Ayaprun Elitnaurvik
2. Igvaq Paula Jung-Ayaprun Elitnaurvik
3. Cakiller Lynette Gilbert-Ayaprun Elitnaurvik